Dr. Greg Lane, DACM, LAc
Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Dr. Lane specializes in treating patients with chronic pain from any origin. He is a veteran practitioner, educator and mentor, with over 28 years of clinical experience. Lane was the former Clinical Director of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) and former Academic Dean at Pacific College of Health and Science (formerly PCOM). To each individual, Lane provides superior care specific to your needs using a wide range of Chinese medical therapies unsurpassed for effectiveness. The range of therapies may include a highly specialized non-surgical technique that bridges ancient traditional Chinese medical wisdom and modern bio-mechanical science. Along with his proprietary acupuncture treatment methods, he utilizes herbal medicine, breathing and relaxation techniques, postural assessment, corrective exercises, dietary counseling and a comprehensive focus on health and wellness coaching. He employs medical pulse diagnosis along with functional physiological tests to pinpoint the origins and location of the pain and develop an individualized treatment plan specifically to address any areas of dysfunction and compensation.
Lane is a native San Diegan residing in Encinitas with his wife and 2 young children. He also has an older son at college in Santa Barbara and an older daughter who is married with two children in Encinitas. He is an avid surfer, Jiujitsu and Tai Chi practitioner. Prior to becoming an acupuncturist Lane was an internationally touring professional dancer. Along with his private clinical practice Lane is a clinical supervisor at the Pacific College of Health and Science, www.pacificcollege.edu and is the Director of the Integral Health program at California Institute for Human Science, www.cihs.edu