Dr. Elizabeth Swallow, DACM, L.Ac.

Elizabeth Swallow is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine with over 20 years of experience as a somatic practitioner. She believes in treating the whole person with compassion, curiosity and skill.

Elizabeth enjoys facilitating treatments that assist a person towards homeostasis in a joyful and educational way. Elizabeth has received extensive training in western and eastern body modalities; craniosacral training, reflexology, and a variety of emotional liberation techniques.

Elizabeth pulls from a unique tool box to work with when creating treatment plans. She is a graduate of Pacific College of Health and Sciences and holds a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine Acupuncture /Herbs and a masters of science in Traditional Chinese medicine. Her somatic education includes both western and eastern modalities with a focus on the energetic blueprint, anatomical structural system and effective communication skills with the intention to harmonize the body/mind/spirit.

She is a UCSD alumni holding two degrees in Art History and cultural anthropology with an emphasis on visceral movement practice/performance and ritual. As Session withElizabeth centers around a deep listening to the body’s intelligence as a way to gain momentum towards getting as many needs met as possible. One approach she uses is called the Three Point Therapy Method; for example, three different modalities are used simultaneously to tap into the nervous system/body brain for a whole body shift toward comfort, healing and efficiency. A blend Elizabeth often uses is acupuncture, craniosacral, and reflexology. Every session is focused around the needs and goals of the patient.